1. Company Information

Marcial Castro S.L. is registered in the Companies’ Register of Salamanca, Tomo 140 Gral. Libro 37 de la sección 2ª de Sociedades, Folio 19, Hoja nº 1.175. Inscripción 1ª, with registered offices in Polígono Industrial 1-2 (Calle 1), GUIJUELO, 37770 , Salamanca (Spain), and Tax Identification Code (CIF) B-37066800

2. Purpose

These General Conditions (“General Conditions”) regulate the access and use by any person (“User”) of the pages which make up the web domain https://marcialguijuelo.es (“website”), which is owned by Marcial Castro S.L. (Marcial Castro), and the content and services included therein.

Access to this website or use thereof by the User necessarily involves, without reservation, he/she being subjected to and accepting the General Conditions. Consequently, Users are advised to read them carefully every time they want to enter the Marcial Castro website.

Marcial Castro reserves the right, at any time and with no need for prior warning, to make any change or update to the contents and services, to the General Conditions and, in general, to any elements which make up the design and configuration of its website.

3. Access to, and use of, the website.

The User accesses the website under his/her exclusive responsibility. The content and services presented via the website are intended to disseminate information about the activities carried out by Marcial Castro.

Marcial Castro will, to the best of its ability, attempt to ensure that the content and services included in its website are accurate and up to date. However, Marcial Castro cannot guarantee this circumstance at all times.

Given that Users can download certain content from the website, Marcial Castro has the infrastructure necessary to prevent damage deriving from the existence of computer viruses. Marcial Castro cannot be held liable for the potential damage or errors arising from the presence of a virus which might occur to the User’s computer system (hardware or software) when he/she accesses or uses the website.

4. Intellectual property and industrial property.

The intellectual and industrial property rights for the content of the website correspond exclusively to Marcial Castro, unless specified to the contrary. The User may create a private copy of the content, solely and exclusively for his/her personal use. Any use or operation other than the above shall require the prior, written authorisation of Marcial Castro. Specifically, users are prohibited from reproducing, distributing, communicating publicly (including the right to availability), transforming, collecting and, in any other way, using the content which appears on the website without the prior, written authorisation of Marcial Castro.

5. Links

All hypertext or deep links, framing, or any other type of virtual communication via telecommunication networks from any website or URL address (“Links”) to the website, must be authorised in advance and in writing by Marcial Castro. In any event, links must be made to the home page.

Marcial Castro wishes to clarify that links to third party websites contained on its website are for information purposes only, the purpose of which is to make available to the User other sources of information which might be of interest to him/her.

If any User or third party observes that such links may be contrary to the laws, morals or public order, or that they may be likely to incite violence or discrimination for reasons of sex, ideology, religion or race, they are requested to make this known to us via the address: marcialguijuelo@marcialguijuelo.es

Aside from the legal provisions, Marcial Castro cannot take any responsibility in relation to the content of the Links or any damage or errors which, through any virus present when accessing or using said links, may occur to the User’s computer systems (hardware and software).

6. Protection of personal data

Access to, and use of, the website does not mean that Marcial Castro will collect the User’s personal data. However, in accordance with the current legislation on protection of personal data, any information provided voluntarily by the User will be incorporated for handling in a duly registered file owned by Marcial Castro, for the purpose of identification and contact, and for providing him/her with any information requested.

In any event, the User may exercise his/her rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation, which may be exercised by him/her and, where relevant, by anyone representing him/her, by means of a written, signed application addressed to

Marcial Castro S.L.
Polígono Industrial 1-2 (Calle 1), GUIJUELO, 37770 , Salamanca (Spain)

Any such application must be accompanied by the following information: name and surname(s) of the User, address for notifications and photocopy of the national identity document or passport. If the User is represented by someone else, evidence of this must be provided in the form of a duly authenticated document.

Marcial Castro hereby states that it has implemented the security measures of a technical and organisational nature necessary to prevent alteration, loss, unauthorised handling and/or access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, either through human action or from the physical or natural environment.

Cookies are small data files stored in the device of the User visiting the website, which contain certain information about the visit to the website. This website uses cookies solely for the purpose of making browsing easier for the User, and under no circumstances is it possible to associate such cookies with the User’s specific personal details or identify him/her through them. However, the majority of web browsers make it possible for the User to deactivate cookies.

7. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

These General Conditions are subject to the Spanish legal system.

To settle any disputes which might arise from access to the website, the User and Marcial Castro agree to submit themselves expressly to the courts of the city of Salamanca, and waive any other general or special jurisdiction to which they might be entitled.